Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Seth Poverman       9/5/12                Conway's Game of Life
Biology B
Period D

    For this blog I will be focusing on whether  "Conway's Game of Life" is valid enough to closely represent cell growth and reproduction.
   After playing "Conway's Game of Life" and figuring out how cells reproduce and survive I noticed that when there are 2 cells next to each other, connected any way, they would die off due to under-population. If there were 4 they would die from over crowding, but if there were 3 then the cells will survive,as if they reproduced. If you place some cells down in the game you probably not notice what happened due to the speed at which it all happens, but if you use the step by step option you will notice that each step changes to the cell pattern by the rules, which I stated above, they also be found on the URL of the game.
   I believe that "Conway's Game Of Life" does show a realistic simulation of cell growth and reproduction, which are two of the five charecteristics of life. The others would be obtaining and usage of energy, growing and developing, and adaptation to their environment. Which these model cells clearly show.